There is also an amazing visitor's center, with an interactive section for kids where they can pet animal pelts, stamp life size paw prints into sand, and pick up life-size/-weight stuffed and painted fish of various species.
The old ones are very worn out, so they hired me to redesign and sew eight new fish!
The budget didn't extend to painting the fish, so I'm volunteering my time for that portion. I finished sewing all eight and have begun painting. This has been such a blast! I'm really enjoying it. I'll post pics as I get more painting done.
I've also applied for a few art shows. The Treasure Valley Artist Alliance is having their annual show, and my Edgar Allan Poe doll was chosen to be included! It'll be nice to see him exhibited among the work of my fellow members. Application deadline is also approaching for the Art Source Gallery's annual show which I was a participant in last year. More on my entry to that soon!
And my biggest, most exciting news: I was accepted into the Plush You! Art show in Seattle!!! I am beyond thrilled since this show pulls applicants from across the globe, and such a small number are accepted. I will be shoulder to shoulder with some of my stuffed animal and cloth doll maker heroes when October rolls around! Thank you all for your well wishes and crossed fingers through the application process!